Current Sermon Series

Dispatches from Cell 92:
Bonhoeffer on Faith and Resistance

January 12–March 2

Some call him a martyr. Others a spy and assassin. But before his arrest and execution by the Nazis in 1945, Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a pastor and theologian whose writings on Christianity have become more relevant today than ever. In this six-part series, we’ll explore Bonhoeffer’s thoughts on grace, faith, responsibility, and resistance for clues about how we might live out our faith in ways that make a difference in today’s world. The series includes an all-church book study and documentary film discussion.

January 12 | Costly GraceMatthew 7:7–11 | BulletinOrder of Worship

January 19 | The Call to DiscipleshipMark 2:13–17 | BulletinOrder of Worship

January 26 | Break in sermon series – Bishop Stoneking | “What’s a Christian to Do? | BulletinOrder of Worship

February 2 | Single-Minded Obedience • Luke 14:25–26 | BulletinOrder of Worship

February 9 | Discipleship and the Cross • Luke 9:21–27 | BulletinOrder of Worship

February 16 | Break in sermon series | BulletinOrder of Worship

February 23 | Discripleship and the Individual • John 1:1–4 | Bulletin • Order of Worship

March 2 | The Visible Community • Matthew 5:13–16 | Bulletin • Order of Worship

St. Andrew

St. Andrew United Methodist Church

9203 S. University Blvd. 

Highlands Ranch, CO 80126