Senior Adults
Enjoy community, programming, classes, Bible studies, and more for those 65 and older.Jump to Programming
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Wind Crest
Wind Crest Senior Living in Highlands Ranch is a village of over 1800 residents. St. Andrew brings an active United Methodist presence with a weekly Bible study along with special worship services throughout the year. Long-range plans include providing a weekday worship experience.

Reverend Barb Sholis
Rev. Barb Sholis serves our senior adults at St. Andrew. She joined the staff in January 2023 after ‘retiring’ from serving for 30 years in ministry, including as the senior minister at Parker UMC in Parker, Colorado. Barb is a native of Louisville, Kentucky, and was a longtime resident of Columbus, Ohio, where she served in local churches, as a District Superintendent, and as the clergy assistant to the Bishop of West Ohio Conference. Married to her husband, Robert, (also retired clergy), they moved to Colorado in 2018 to be closer to family.
For general questions and information
Sunday Shuttle Schedule for Highlands Ranch Campus
Colorado Club House – 8:25 am
Highline Overlook – 8:30 am
Town Center – 8:35 am
Call (303) 794-2683 for more information or email us below.
Wind Crest
Wind Crest Senior Living in Highlands Ranch is a village of over 1800 residents. St. Andrew brings an active United Methodist presence with a weekly Bible study along with special worship services throughout the year. Long-range plans include providing a weekday worship experience. Current study information is found here:
Our study group at Wind Crest is currently reading the book “Courage: the Brave Faith of Jesus” by Rev. Bishop Tom Berlin. We have a growing class of attendees who study together every Thursday from 10–11:30 am in the Cultural Learning Room in Parry Landing. If you are a resident of Wind Crest and want to know more about our gatherings, email Rev. Barb at or send her your email address and she will include you in her Wind Crest email group.

Wind Crest
3235 Mill Vista Rd.
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129
Prime Time Luncheon
Enjoy a healthy, tasty lunch and an entertaining program, September–May. Reservations may be made through our website form or by calling the Prime Time reservation phone number, 303-351-0096.
NOTE: $12 will be the cost of our meal and programming for the 2024–2025 Prime Time season to help cover our costs. See you at Prime Time!
11:30 am – 1 pm
2025 Dates: January 10 | February 14 | March 14 | April 11 | May 9
Reserve your spot by Tuesday, end of day, the week of the lunch.

Saturday Seniors Forum
Join St. Andrew and the surrounding community once a quarter for an enriching educational forum on topics geared toward older adults. Watch for information about our next Saturday Seniors Forum!
Friday Coffee Chats
Friday, January 24 • 9:30–11 am
Join your friends for Coffee Chat on the fourth Friday of each month in the St. Andrew Library. Please note the new time of 9:30–11 am. Join us for coffee, pastries, conversation and our “Ted Talk” on ways to discover new things of interest to Seniors. It is a great way to meet new friends and catch up with one another.

Coffee & Conversation at Holly Creek
Join Rev. Barb and others at Holly Creek for quarterly coffee and conversation. Contact Rev. Barb for upcoming dates.
Active Minds
Active Minds mission is to expand lives and minds by providing outstanding educational programs. St. Andrew offers Active Minds several times a year. For additional information, visit the Active Minds website.
2025 Economic Outlook
Tuesday, November 19 • 7 pm • Zoom
Legacy Ministry presents our annual economic outlook featuring top financial industry experts from Goldman Sachs and Prudential Advisors who will provide their take on what to expect once the election is over. Hosted by James LaFemina, ChFC® and long-time St. Andrew member, this workshop will be presented via Zoom. Email to register.

Helping Hands
Mondays and Fridays • 6:30-8 am
Join our Helping Hands ministry and build community and friendships while you support the church through hands-on assistance with tasks like vacuuming, mowing, trimming shrubs, window cleaning, and more under the direction of the Facilities team. Teams meet Monday and Friday mornings and enjoy coffee, donuts, and fellowship after completing their tasks. Email for more details or to join Helping Hands!
Our St. Andrew Seniors Facebook page is now up and active. If you are a Facebook user, please click the link below and “follow” our page! It is a fun way for us to update senior happenings as well as post photos from our varied events. All we are missing is you!