Membership and Baptism
Explore ways to integrate community, deepen your faith, and strengthen your commitmentExploring St. Andrew
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Childcare is available for this class
January In-person Sessions
Session One
January 5, 2025
11:45 am – 1:00 pm
Session Two
January 12, 2025
February Virtual Session
Session One
February 9, 2025
2–3:30 pm
March In-person Sessions
Session One
March 23, 2025
11:45 am – 1:00 pm
Session Two
March 30, 2025
9:30–10:00 am
Coffee with the Pastors

New guests are invited to join our pastors for a meet and greet in the library.
Monthly • Next gathering date: Sunday, February 16 • 10–10:30 am
What does membership mean?
Does it matter if I’m a member or not? Why do I have to take a class to become a member? Why do I have to sign anything? People often ask these questions about our membership process, skeptical as to why there seem to be so many ‘hoops’ to jump through.
Why choose membership?
It’s true. We take membership seriously. Members commit to a community that provides encouragement and support when they join. They are called to responsibility, service, and sacrifice to their siblings in Christ.
Next Steps for Membership
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Sign up for Exploring St. Andrew and learn more about our community.
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Exploring Baptism
If you are considering baptism, have decided to be baptized, or would like to baptize your child, we would love to talk with you about the next steps.
If you’re a parent of a child to be baptized, please use the form below to contact Rhonda, Director of Children’s Ministries, to discuss next steps. We will walk through our beliefs and practices that surround this beautiful sacrament, and when you are ready, take steps to plan your special day.
If you’re an adult, you will meet with one of the pastors to discuss your intentions and answer any questions you may have. Please use the button below to learn about baptism and connect with a pastor.
Frequently asked questions
All about Baptism
What is the meaning of Baptism?
To become Christian is to receive a new identity. You no longer allow the world or others to define who you are. Christ now claims you and instructs you. A Christian is one who has “put on Christ.” Baptism celebrates becoming that new person. Through baptism, you put away the old self, renounce sin and the evil powers of the world, and pledge your loyalty to Christ. In this way, baptism is a symbolic cleansing, an act of divine forgiveness, and a tangible symbol of the death of the old self and the resurrection of the new self.
To be Christian is to belong to the family of God. Baptism is initiation into that family, otherwise known as the Church. As baptized members of this family, we are commissioned to use our gifts to strengthen the church and to transform the world. We believe that the Holy Spirit, God’s gift to us in our baptism, empowers us to effectively use our gifts for the sake of God’s Kingdom.
What do I need to do to prepare for Baptism?
If you have made the decision to be baptized or to baptize your child, we would love to talk with you about the next steps. Typically, if you’re an adult, you will meet with one of the pastors to discuss your intentions and answer any questions you may have. If you’re a parent of a child to be baptized, we invite you to attend one of our monthly “Exploring Baptism” classes, hosted by a Pastor and our Children’s Director. For more information about how to take the next step toward baptism, please fill out the form, and a member of our staff will contact you.
Why should I be Baptized?
From the earliest times, children and infants were baptized and included in the church. As scriptural authority for this ancient tradition, some scholars cite Jesus’ words, “Let the little children come to me…for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.” (Mark 10:14)
Baptism, as a means of grace, signifies God’s initiative in the process of salvation. John Wesley preached that God’s grace works in our lives before we are aware of it, bringing us to faith. The baptism of children and their inclusion in the church before they can respond with their own confirmation of faith is a vivid and compelling witness to grace.
United Methodists will baptize persons of any age and of any background. However, because baptism is a sacrament of God’s grace and a covenant that God has initiated, it should not be repeated. Instead of rebaptism, The United Methodist Church offers the ritual for the reaffirmation of baptismal vows, which implies that, while God remains faithful to God’s half of the covenant, we are not always faithful to our promises. Our half of the covenant is to confess Christ as our Savior, trust in his grace, serve him as Lord in the church, and carry out his mission against evil, injustice, and oppression.
Next Steps for Baptism
Ready for Baptism?
Fill out this form and we’ll be in contact!
Ready to learn more?
Sign up for Exploring Baptism.
Not ready for Baptism?
That’s okay! Contact for questions.