Social Justice Resources
Resource Directory By Category: Racial Justice | Gender & Sexuality | Climate & Eco Justice | Reconciliation & Human Rights | Public Health
Racial Justice
As a community of faith, we value and welcome each person as a beloved child of God. We acknowledge the sins of racism and the harm and trauma, collectively and individually, that we have participated in furthering as Christians. We commit to confronting racism and bias to become an actively anti-racist community, moving beyond color-blindness towards listening and learning as allies, combating all forms of social oppression that rob people of their dignity and well-being.
Gender & Sexuality
We affirm that all persons are of sacred worth, created in the image of God. Human sexuality and gender diversity and expression are gifts from God “intended to add to the rich variety of human experience and perspective” (from the United Methodist Social Principles). We embrace Jesus’ message that God loves everyone and are proud to celebrate diversity as we work to live our vision of radical hospitality.
Climate and Eco Justice
Climate change threatens all of God’s creation. The climate crisis is not problem in isolation but intersects with poverty, human rights, and violence. Moved by our faith and working together in coalition and community, together we can reduce the impact on the local environment and world beyond us.
Reconciliation and Human Rights
Central to Jesus’ teachings is the commandment to love our neighbors as ourselves. Jesus taught by example, advocating for the dignity of all people, especially those on the margins of society. He challenged systems of power and control. Loving both God and neighbor, we seek to further human rights, dignity, and the well-being of all by putting our faith into action through relationships and advocacy.
Public Health
Throughout Jesus’ life and ministry there is an unmistakable commitment to well-being and health of body, mind, and spirit. Jesus went to the margins of society and often restored the health of individuals, allowing them to return to their communities. We recognize that being well is important to God, that health care is a human right, and that communities thrive when there is access to services and systems of care.