
Join us through March for activities, classes, and more.

With its long nights and quiet days, winter invites us into new rhythms and routines that make possible the rest, renewal, and rootedness our bodies and souls long for. What appears to be a season of dormancy is a time of stillness and hidden growth essential to all of life. At St. Andrew, we offer an abundance of opportunities throughout this season for self-care, spiritual growth, finding community, and serving others.  Experience winter at St. Andrew, explore the joy of quiet rest, and rediscover the power and beauty of the season with a community of people who care deeply about you.

Pancake Supper

Join us for a delicious evening of pancakes, fun, and fellowship at our Third Annual Pancake Supper! Also known as Shrove Tuesday, Fat Tuesday, or Mardi Gras, this is your chance to indulge before Lent begins. Enjoy mouthwatering pancakes from a pancake truck, complete with tasty sides and toppings, and soak in the joy of community before Ash Wednesday. Don't miss out on the fun, food, and fellowship—come hungry and ready to celebrate!

March 4 | 5–7 pm


 More Featured Events


January 5 & 12 Exploring St. Andrew led by Rev. Jerry Butler

January 10 ‣ Senior adults gather for Prime Time with a delicious lunch and entertainment 

January 12 ‣ Gather with a supportive group of parents at Parenting and Beyond

January 12 ‣ Zoom group to explore Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s book, The Cost of Discipleship

January 16 ‣ Legacy Ministry sponsors Estate Planning: The Basics

January 16 ‣ In-person group to explore Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s book, The Cost of Discipleship

January 26 ‣  Learn more about mindfulness practices and stress management at the United Women in Faith Quarterly Gathering

January 27 ‣ For kids experiencing loss or transition, we offer Good Grief



February 9Exploring St. Andrew offered via Zoom

February 14 ‣ Senior adults gather for Prime Time with a delicious lunch and entertainment

February 14–17 ‣ Youth are invited on the annual Ski & Snowboard Trip to explore Copper and hang out

February 16 ‣ Register for Exploring Baptism

February 22 ‣ Join us for fellowship and a guest speaker at our All Church Saturday Breakfast


March 4Pancake Supper before the beginning of Lent

March 6 ‣ Legacy Ministry presents The Future of Social Security

March 14 Senior Adults are invited to connect at Prime Time Lunch

March 26 ‣ A class for kids: Searching the Sacraments 

April 4–6 ‣ Men’s Retreat: Soul Brothers: Biblical Models for Living


Pancake Supper

Tuesday, March 4 • 5 pm

A traditional pancake supper on “Mardi Gras,” or “Fat Tuesday” – a day of celebration before the beginning of Lent.

Ash Wednesday

Wednesday, March 5 • 12 & 7 pm

Ash Wednesday is a solemn reminder of human mortality and the need for reconciliation with God and marks the beginning of the penitential Lenten season.

Childcare available up to age 5

Holy Week

Palm Sunday

Sunday, April 13 • 9 & 10:30 am

Join us for service to mark the first day of Holy Week!

Nursery, Kids, and Youth programming

Holy Thursday

Thursday, April 17 • 7:30 pm

In reverence to the Last Supper, this service includes Communion and hand washing.

Childcare available up to age 5

Good Friday

Friday, April 18 • 12 and 7:30 pm

Worship with special music and readings.

Childcare available up to age 5


Saturday, April 19 • 7:30 pm

An Easter Vigil with classic Tenebrae service.

No childcare for this service


April 20

Sunrise Service

6 am

Join the youth in their annual service led by the Youth Leadership Team with
music by the Youth Choir.

No youth programming after the Sunrise Service

Sanctuary Services

8 am • 9:30 am • 11 am

8 am – Nursery/Childcare through age 5

9:30 & 11 am – Nursery and Kids Programming

Photo Booth • 7:30 am – 12:30 pm

Looking Ahead

May 3 ‣ Join us for the Big Serve Annual Day of Service in the community

St. Andrew

St. Andrew United Methodist Church

9203 S. University Blvd. 

Highlands Ranch, CO 80126